Autor: Firma Cyntegrity Germany

mindsON RBQM | Special Edition – M&A Efficiency: RBQM supported Clinical Due Diligence (Webinar | Online)

Join us for an insightful webinar highlighting how Risk-Based Quality Management (RBQM) can empower M&A and investment decisions in the pharmaceutical industry. Discover how RBQM enhances clinical due diligence processes, supporting areas like data integrity and risk assessment. We’ll explore methodologies and potential findings that drive data-driven decision-making, ultimately showcasing the benefits of gaining actionable […]

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mindsON RBQM Workshop | Episode 29: Does Centralized Monitoring add value? (Webinar | Online)

Some companies have been early adopters of RBQM methodology, and others have been laggards. What evidence is there of added value to the early adopters? ABOUT „mindsON RBQM“ WORKSHOPS mindsON RBQM is a series of workshops that provides practical advice on the challenging aspects of an RBQM roll-out and its daily execution. Each workshop allows […]

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mindsON RBQM Workshop | Episode 26: Can you identify and evaluate key risks in a protocol? (Webinar | Online)

We will share a simplified example of a protocol outline, brainstorm, and evaluate risks. Will you get the same answers as our RBQM experts? Come along to take part—or just listen and learn. ABOUT „mindsON RBQM“ WORKSHOPS mindsON RBQM is a series of workshops that provides practical advice on the challenging aspects of an RBQM […]

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mindsON RBQM Workshop | The Cost Optimization Power of RBQM: Backed by Data (Workshop | Online)

Join us for a quantitative exploration of risk-based clinical trials, a game-changer in Clinical Trial Risk Management. Throughout this webinar, we’ll demonstrate how applying a risk-based approach can help save remarkably in different areas such as Risk Management Study Conduct, Operational Efficiency, SDV Reduction, and Protocol Amendments, leading to an average savings of $2.8M per […]

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mindsON RBQM Workshop | Episode 25: RBQM, RBM, QbD, CM, CSM – So many terms but what are they,? (Webinar | Online)

An area of much debate (and confusion) is the differences, similarities, and overlaps between Risk-Based Quality Management, Quality by Design, Centralized Monitoring, Centralized Statistical Monitoring, Remote Monitoring, and Risk-Based Monitoring. Or, in the alphabet soup of our industry, RBQM, QbD, CM, CSM, RM and RBM. At this workshop, our industry experts will provide their perspectives […]

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mindsON RBQM Workshop | Episode 24: Will AI really unlock the power of RBQM? (Webinar | Online)

As generated by ChatGPT: „Are you ready to revolutionize your Risk-Based Quality Management (RBQM) practices? Don’t miss our upcoming webinar, where we will explore the incredible potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in RBQM and how it can drive efficiency and ensure patient safety. During this dynamic session, our industry experts will explore the applications, benefits, […]

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mindsON RBQM Workshop | Episode 23: What is a Critical to Quality Factor anyway? (Webinar | Online)

The guideline for Good Clinical Practices, ICH E6 (R3) draft, and ICH E8 (R1) introduce Critical to Quality (CTQ) Factors. What are they? How should they be used as part of RBQM? And whatever happened to critical processes and critical data? ABOUT „mindsON RBQM“ WORKSHOPS mindsON RBQM is a series of workshops by Cyntegrity’s MyRBQM […]

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